Monday, September 16, 2013

Social Media: Strengthening or Weakening our Communication Skills

Social media has become a major part of our younger generation. It is quite common to see teens spending more time with their friends on social media sites rather than in person. Which begs the question, is social media strengthening or weakening the communication skills of our younger generation. Are our teens growing up in a society where social media has completely cluttered their minds and the thought of talking in person or on the phone has become awkward for them? Or is it creating a generation of creative writers and thinkers? Through my research, I hope to discover how social media has affected the communication skills of our younger generation.


  1. I think that's an interesting question, and in your research you will find both the pros and the cons, i.e., in a way online social media creates better writers and thinkers, but a lot of times it can also hinder other more "natural" forms of communication that humanity has used for thousands of years.

  2. I think the effect of social media varies person to person and depends mostly on how you use social media. Social media is not only about Facebook status update or Twittering. In a way, younger generation have more negative effects of social media compare to older generation. But still, if we see the other side of social media (blogging, e-news), people are communicating with more people at same time compare to before. This has also helped them to express their feelings and emotions regarding current issues.
    Yet, your topic seems good and I hope while writing your paper, you also focus on particular communications skills (the one you are focusing on ) and the age group you considering.

  3. Engaging in social networking and communicating with each other is still using our communication skills. I believe that social media would strengthen communication skills of the younger generation because it allows them to communicate even when not in person. There might be a loss of ability to communicate in person and an increase in the ability to communicate with someone via the internet but nonetheless communication still exists. I believe you will need a ranking system to gauge real life communication skills and online communication skills and maybe find some correlation between the two.
